Lead Kindness Advocate
Digital diva & creative catalyst combining visionary vibes with a tactical touch!
Newbies King
I'm the referee, the babysitter, and the therapist—all in one. Welcome to the glamorous life of moderating.
Jolly Fella
A perfect balance of authority and cheer—he'll ban you, but only after making you smile. Also, Happy Holidays.
Byte Me
The person who knows more about bots than they do about people—yet somehow manages to make the server run smoother than your Wi-Fi during a Zoom meeting.
Bug Slayer
Master at creating elegant solutions to problems he have never seen before, and master at creating even more problems for problems he've already solved.
Unsung Mod Hero
Silently watching, making sure chaos doesn't erupt, and only stepping in when the conversation turns into a dumpster fire—usually just in time to say, "Please keep it civil!"
Your Wet Dream
Is the fresh recruit who only knows two commands: "mute" and "ban," and he use both liberally, hoping he'll figure out the rest later.
JPEG Pirate
Navigating the high seas of the blockchain, searching for rare and valuable digital booty.
Wannabe Colab Manager
He is keeping the team sane, and somehow convincing everyone that it's all under control—just before the next unexpected curveball lands.